Recently, an expert panel consisting of more than 40 German professors and staff from 10 German universities came to ZUST to negotiate cooperation details, and select students for the Sino-German exchange program. Secretary of ZUST Party Committee, Prof. Gong Jianli and Vice-president, Prof. Zheng Youqu met the German guests.
On April 10th, Prof. Gong Jianli met the German expert panel and awarded the first certificates of “Honorary Alumnus of ZUST” to Beate Blümel,Wilfried Stille and Franz Deckert from Hanover University of Applied Sciences.
Prof. Gong Jianli stated that the titles the three German professors obtained were a commendation for their strong support for the Sino-German cooperation in the past 20 years. Then he expressed great gratitude to the efforts they made. On behalf of ZUST, Prof. Gong welcomed the German expert panel and expressed his sincere thanks to the experts and their universities for their long-term support of ZUST Sino-German cooperation.
He hopes that the three honorary alumni, together with all German friends, could continue their earnest and sincere cooperation with ZUST, striving to promote Sino-German cooperation to a new level.
These three alumni have witnessed the development of ZUST through their long-term engagement of Sino-German cooperation programs, which deepens mutual friendship and trust. In the future, they will support the development of ZUST and help strengthen Sino-German cooperation in ZUST for a better future.