
信息来源:   点击次数:  发布时间:2022-05-22

报告题目:Homoclinic/heteroclinic cycles and chaos in a class of 3D three-zone piecewise affine systems




报告地点:腾讯会议,会议ID572 593 278

报告摘要:Little results seem to be known about homoclinic/heteroclinic cycles and chaos in three dimensional (3D) piecewise smooth dynamical systems with two or more discontinuous boundaries (DBs). This report first introduces a new class of 3D three-zone piecewise affine systems with two DBs and then obtains some criteria for existence of homoclinic/heteroclinic cycles under the following three cases: (i) one saddle point and two saddle-focus points, (ii) two saddle points and one saddle-focus point, (iii) three saddle points, respectively. Moreover, sufficient conditions of the existence of chaos are established. Rigorously mathematical analysis is provided to prove that. Finally, two numerical examples are offered to show the feasibility of our theoretical results.

报告人简介杨启贵,二级教授,理学博士,博士生导师,华南理工大学教学名师. 主要从事微分方程几何理论、混沌动力系统、随机动力系统及其应用的研究与教学工作,研究系统简单到何种程度仍然具有混沌复杂性,揭示混沌系统混沌机理与复杂动力学特征. 曾获广西科技进步一等奖(排名:1/4)和广东省高等教育省级教学成果二等奖(排名:2/5), 连续3次广东省优秀博士论文指导教师等. 至现今为止,在J. Differential EquationsChaosInt J Bifur ChaosProc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh (A)等国内外发表论文130篇,到目前为止,被SCI摘录120多篇,SCI正面他引1900多次. 主持混沌方面的国家自然基金项目5项、省级自然基金项目6项、省部级教研项目12, 参加国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目1项、国家自然基金项目3项和省研究团队1项等. 曾多次为国家自然科学奖的会评或通讯评审专家等. 已培养出站博士后5人、毕业博士20人(其中2名留学生)、硕士36人,现在读博士和硕士各5.

