【廿周年院庆 · 和山数学论坛第331期】福建师范大学王健教授学术报告

信息来源:   点击次数:  发布时间:2022-10-16

【廿周年院庆学术报告27 · 【和山数学论坛第331期】

一、报告题目:Heat kernel upper bounds for symmetric Markov semigroups

二、报告人:王健 教授

三、时 间:2022年1021(周) 9:00-10:00


报告摘要:Analysis on heat kernel has been an active research area for a long time in analysis, geometry and probability. A central topic of the area is to obtain global quantitative bounds on the heat kernel. It is well known that Nash-type inequalities for symmetric Dirichlet forms are equivalent to on-diagonal heat kernel upper bounds for the associated symmetric Markov semigroups. We show that both imply (and hence are equivalent to) off-diagonal heat kernel upper bounds under some mild assumptions. Our approach is based on a new generalized Davies' method.


报告人简介:王健, 数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师。2001年本科毕业于福建师范大学数学系,同年留校工作并师从林火南教授攻读概率统计方向硕士研究生,20046月获得硕士学位;20059月考入北京师范大学、师从中科院陈木法院士,20086月获得理学博士学位。2009获得德国洪堡基金,2014年获得日本学术振兴基金,2015年获得国家优秀青年科学基金,2022年获得国家杰出青年科学基金。
