
信息来源:   点击次数:  发布时间:2023-06-07

【廿周年院庆学术报告84】 · 【物理格致论坛第110期】

一、报告题目:Chiral current on Floquet engineering

二、报告人:景俊 教授

三、时 间:202368日(周四) 1430

四、地 点:A4-216

报告摘要:We develop a level-resolved scheme to obtain the effective Hamiltonian for hybrid systems in the strong and even ultra-strong regime. We find that the Floquet engineering can induce a synthetic gauge field in quantum systems through temporal modulation of the system frequencies by periodic drives. Combing the effective Hamiltonian and the Floquet engineering, we realize a chiral state transfer in a cavity-magnonic system, whose dynamics is evaluated to measure the symmetry of the system Hamiltonian. Beyond the dynamics limited in the manifold with a fixed number of excitations, our protocol applies to continuous-variable systems with arbitrary states. Also, it is found to be robust against systematic errors in the coupling strength and Kerr nonlinearity.


S. Qi and J. Jing*, Chiral current in Floquet cavity-magnonics, Physical Review A 106, 033711 (2022).


    当前主持国家自然科学基金面上基金三青年基金一参与国家自然科学基金联合基金一项出版译著两本1:《量子光学导论》(华大学出版社2019 2:《原子与光子相互作用基本过程和应用》(华大学出版社2021)。发表论文80余篇半数以上为美国物理评论系列)。创性工作包括:(1解决了真空环境下任意三能级量子系统的精确动力学问题;(2在精确动力学基础上给出量子系统与环境之间发生动力学解耦的必要条件;(3在开放系统的理论框架下拓展了量子绝热定理;(4提出量子芝诺效应或反芝诺效应简单物理判据;(5提出冷却量子机械振子的高效率迭代方案
