
信息来源:   点击次数:  发布时间:2023-11-06

【廿周年院庆学术报告107 · 【和山数学论坛第387期】


一、报告题目: DNA storage: Balanced set codes with small discrepancy

二、报告人: 余文俊 博士

三、时   间:2023年11月9日(周四) 上午 9:00-10:30

四、地 点:闻理楼A4-309

报告摘要:Motivated by emerging applications in coding for molecular data storage, much attention has been paid to the intersecting set discrepancy problem, which aims to design a large family of subsets of a common labeled ground set with bounded pairwise intersection and bounded set discrepancy. In this talk, we study the maximum size of such families of $k$-subsets with $v$ elements ground set, $t$-bounded intersections, and zero or one discrepancy, called as balanced $(t,k,v)$ set codes. We constructed optimal balanced $(t,k,v)$ set codes for $(t,k) = (2,3),(2,4),(3,4)$, and proven that there exists asymptotically optimal balanced $(t,k,v)$ set codes for any fixed integers $2 \leq t < k$.

报告人简介:余文俊,博士,现为以色列本古里安大学在读博士后,2021-2023年担任华为研究所高级工程师从事分布式存储系统的研究。主要从事组合数学和编码理论方面的研究,主要研究领域为DNA存储系统的纠错码、测序问题,分布式存储等编码理论以及Bollobas集合系,极值图论等组合数学问题及其在存储系统的应用。在国际组合数学及信息学领域内顶尖刊物IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》(CCF A类期刊), 《Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A》,《European Journal of Combinatorics》上共发表论文4篇。
