题目:The Structural discontinuity of optical system and its rogue wave
摘要: We consider a two-level atomic system interacting with an electromagnetic field controlled in amplitude and frequency by a high intensity laser. We show that the amplitude of the induced electric field admits an envelope profile corresponding to a breather soliton. We demonstrate that this soliton can propagate with any frequency shift with respect to that of the control laser, except a critical frequency, at which the system undergoes a structural
discontinuity that transforms the breather in a rogue wave. A mechanism of generation of rogue waves by means of an intense laser field is thus revealed. In this talk, we shall also provide similar work on an optical system governed by the NLS equation.
1999年中国科学技术大学博士,教育部新世纪优秀人才.。先后到SISSA,罗马第一大学,悉尼大学,华威大学,国际理论物理中心,巴西UFRGS大学,英国剑桥大学访问。主要研究方向:可积系统,非线性波。先后Nonlinearity, Letters in Mathematical Physics, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Physical Review E, Physics Letters A, Nuclear Physics B等杂志上发表论文100余篇。